Devotees of Dorie Greenspan and her world-famous (literally) World Peace Cookies take note: Dorie is coming to Omnivore Books on Food in San Francisco's Noe Valley on Saturday, 10/16 from 6-7 pm! She's promoting her new book Around My French Table.
I can't possibly miss this event: Dorie's book Baking: From My Home to Yours is a staple of my collection and is the kind of cookbook you can curl up in bed with -- full of personal stories and advice that makes you feel like you're having a lovely conversation with her over coffee and sweets, which just happens to include full recipes. Plus, she has made me a minor (heh) celebrity amongst my friends, thanks to the popularity of the transcendently-delicious World Peace Cookies. She's like my Elvis! OK... maybe Robert Kirkman is my Elvis, but Dorie is at least right up there!
Who wants to join me for this event? It's the same weekend as the Alternative Press Expo, but hey... I can do comics and food in the same day! Why not?
Please ping me if you'd like to join in the fun. I may even have the temerity to take Dorie a little box of something I've baked -- currently I'm thinking Brown Butter "Chestnuts," since I've just mangaed to find another jar of chestnut paste.
Who is with me? Let's give Dorie a San Francisco welcome that'll have her forgetting all about Paris! Also too, get autographs.