I've done it once again! Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, friendly advice and common sense, I have again made an attempt at amusing you masses by making fun of something I love deeply: comics.
I've been writing for a while on an occasional basis for the Prism Comics website, in a feature called "Queer Eye On Comics," where we geeky homos do our best to write funny about our favorite subject while driving traffic to the site and brining still further shame on our poor families.
I've managed to put together a sweet manifesto on characters, events, and whole publishers that I think we're pretty much better off just forgetting all together. And it's not who you think!
OK... so maybe it is who you think.
Anyhow, you can find links to my previous "Queer Eye" articles in previous posts on this blog:
- The Bitch Is Back! And by "bitch" I mean Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. Who else?
- What Would Jesus Rate This Resurrection? And does he really agree that Donna Troy should just go away already?
- Final Crisis Explained... Final-LY! Warning: contains no actual explanation.
- Out of the Closet with Uncle Jack In which I "out" one of comics holy icons. Oopsie!
- ¿Quien Es Mas Macho? Secret Invasion or Final Crisis? The answer may shock you. Or not.
- McCain & Obama: Two Big Dicks Fun fact: they make comics about politicians. Wow.
- It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Ripoff! Ever found a copy of Action Comics #1 at the Salvation Army? Me neither.
- "...AND the rest...!" Links to all my previous posts to the Queer Eye series, and brief descriptions of each. It's Kyle's mildly-irritating idea of humor... you're soaking in it!
Happy reading... and FORGETTING! Especially about Kitty Pryde: Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. That's just common sense.