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[this is good] Oh wow!  Your menu looks fabulous!  (I've just read through the series) Maybe I'll just skip making T-day dinner and just head over to your house. ;) 

Kyle Minor

You'd be absolutely welcome, Nikki!  I wonder what fares to SFO from the Canary Islands are up to nowadays?

Seriously... you're such a prolific cook and poster -- a compliment from you is worth 10 from someone else. Thanks!


Oh good!  What time should I be there? LOL We celebrate our Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow (so da hubs can join us)...air fares are up there, but now is usually a good time to travel to the US. ;)

Thank you so much for such a lovely compliment!  I'm all gushy now. :D

Kyle Minor

Champagne and nibblies at 3... the main event ca. 4 pm.  I love the idea that Thanksgiving has made its way all the way to the Canary Islands. Finally, and American import that doesn't totally f**k things up!


How was your dinner?  :)  Thanksgiving isn't really an event that everyone celebrates here, but at my house we do...gotta give my 1/2 American kids a bit of American cultural education, too, right?  Especially Thanksgiving, a holiday that reinforces the value of being grateful for your blessings, and being gracious in life. :)  I hope you had a wonderful day!

Kyle Minor

NIkki... it's clear you've missed the point of Thanksgiving entirely. It's designed to be a contest to see who can take in the most calories without a myocardial infarction.

And dinner was great!  I over did it with the noodles (too many and too thick), but they were really delicious.


LMAO!  That too.  :P  I'm so glad you had a great meal!  Is there really such a thing as too many noodles, though?  I think not. ;)

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